GISPlanning Blog

IEDC Annual Conference summed up in GIFs

Written by Pau Rodriguez | Sep 25, 2018 12:03:59 PM

The IEDC annual conference is coming up this weekend in Atlanta. Are you ready? Here are some gifs to sum up some up the whole wonderful, intense experience.


When you realize IEDC is in less than a week

Choosing which sessions to attend can be overwhelming

Better get packing: Cool clothes for Atlanta heat, and warm clothes for those air conditioned meeting rooms.

So excited to be reunited with old friends!

When everyone realizes GIS Planning is giving away new t-shirts

When you're waiting for that session to end so you don't miss lunch

...but you choose the wrong sandwich

Show off your polished banter

Time for that epic annual GIS Planning party...

...for drinks, networking and music

What happens at IEDC, stays at IEDC. Well, for the most part.

Despite the fun, sadly, we'll all have to head home at the end.

But even when we part and find ourselves miles away, GIS Planning will be here for you!