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How mobile-friendly is your EDO?

Does your economic development organization make effective use of mobile in serving businesses and site selectors? Mobile friendly data tools make data useful.

Alissa Sklar
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on November 21, 2016
Alissa Sklar
Vice President of Marketing

Does your organization make effective use of mobile in serving businesses and site selectors? After all, these are busy people on the go, frequently using their phones in airport lounges, restaurants, from their cars and on site visits. See how many time you can answer "YES" to the following 5 items:

  • Our economic development organization website is mobile friendly.
  • We offer fully featured, mobile optimized or responsive GIS sites and buildings database.
  • We have mobile responsive interactive data tools built right into our different website pages.
  • Our property reports can offer turn by turn driving directions to location advisors doing site visits.
  • Our community has a profile page on a mobile-friendly national site selection page.


Driving directions GIS sites and buildings application mobileDid you get them all? Congratulations on being fully mobile friendly!


However, if you weren't able to say yes to every one of those items, you are losing leads without even knowing you were in the running. HubSpot research (June 2016) showed an impressive 33% of respondents use their smartphones as their primary tool for Internet searching. Reserchers from dscout (June 2016) found that the average user spends 2.42 hours a day using their phone, interacting with te device a whopping 2,617 times a day, which worked out to about 145 daily minutes, on average. That's nearly one million touches, with the heaviest users racking up almost 2 million.


Our own research bears this out. We are seeing more than 30% of traffic on our clients' online data tools coming from smartphones and tablets. And those mobile visitors stay on site nearly as long as they desktop visitors. Safe to say that would not be the case if those visitors were struggling to zoom in on out of desktop versions of those website pages on the small screens of an iPhone or Android device. Think of all the potential missed opportunities!


All of our economic development data tools are 100% mobile friendly. Whether it's your ZoomProspector Enterprise GIS location analysis tool (check out PittsburghProspector.com from your mobile device), our 5 interactive data tools known as Intelligence Components (see how Georgia EMC uses this one to show off their industry clusters), or your Economic Development Organization Profile on ZoomProspector.com, we've got you covered. You need never again lose a single lead just because someone got frustrated trying to navigate desktop versions of data tools from a mobile device. Get in touch today, and we'll show you just how easy it can be. 

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Site Selection mobile economic development online Economic Development Place Marketing site selection data tools